Breaking Apart Bad

Anyone who has been following Breaking Bad for the past five seasons knows the stakes are in the clouds for this upcoming Sunday’s series finale, and we’re cringing still from Walter’s phone conversation with Jr. You know what I mean when I say devastating character transformations, this one is a heart snatching monster. What I’d like to shine some light on are two key foreshadowing scenes that I will base my Breaking Apart Bad prediction. The airlock is open, let’s take a jump shall we?

One. Jesse watches his girlfriend/family member (the series is emphatic on family values and themes) Andrea shot before his very eyes, and Brock is threatened to be next. Now, let’s throw that scene up in the air, let it float alongside us as we rocket down to Earth. Rewind to Hank’s death. Let me make two very important distinctions. One, here is the first scene where Walter loses a family member, right in front of him. Walter’s demons catch up with him, and the reversal is complete. All the lives he wasted to get to his position. It’s been a persistent element of the plot. Two, right before Hank dies, he’s got this just perfect line, “Walt, you’re the smartest guy I know, but you’re too stupid to see it. He made up his mind ten minutes ago”. Bang. Jack shoots Hank dead in the sand, right after Hank sticks it to Walt, one simple truth. You can’t read people. Fast forward to my prediction.

Jesse, having seen the (second) love of his life murdered in front of him, and with Walt’s revelation that he watched Jane die from overdose with Jesse sleeping soundly at her hip, I predict a confrontation between Walt, Jesse, Tod, and Jack, since Walter is going to storm the castle and get his fat barrels back, where Jesse will die in front of Walt and say something along the lines of “Walt, you’re the brightest bitch I know, but you’re too stupid to realize, it was never about your family. It was always about you”. Something to stick to Walt in the same fashion as Hank.

Two. My second prediction is volatile and subject to the most scrutiny and comes from an abundance of scenes where Walt has taken on an aspect of someone he kills. One. Crazy Eight. After Walt makes his prisoner a sandwich and cuts off the crusts as requested, Walt from then on, makes sandwiches for himself without crusts. Two, when Gus reveals his plan to poison the Cartel boss, Gus lays out a towel in front of the toilet and vomits up the toxic drink he just downed. Walt sees this in passing, and from then on, lays down a towel to do his vomiting. Walt picks up traits, and when he’s in the diner at the beginning of season five, we see his name is changed on his ID and his last name is Skylar’s maiden name, Lambert. What does this mean? I predict Walter kills Skylar.

If you have kept up with the series, you know on that note the floor has been opened to debate. Hold nothing back, because our friends in the Bad world definitely aren’t this coming Sunday.

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